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Trisé Penden and the Red Garland Editorial Board
Modern Writing from Qinghai Province
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Red Garland Editorial Board
Modern Writing from Qinghai Province
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Alfred Lord Tennyson
1833 and 1842 versions of Alfred Lord Tennyson's "The Lady of Shalott."
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Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/1219.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
A Brief History of Ura Village
Samten Yeshi, Karma Phuntsho
A view on the history, nomenclature, and traditional social organization of Ura, one of Bumthang district's four valleys.
A Brief Summary of Golok
Toni Huber
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/24.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
Jann Ronis
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/1260.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
A Chronology of Tibetan Polities
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/1263.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
A Survey of Bonpo Monasteries and Temples
Tibetan Monastic Guidebooks
A Tale of the Man, the Wolf, and the Hare
Skal bzang rgyal
Tibetan Children's Stories
A Translation of Zhabten for the 4th Druk Gyalpo
2017 [2016]
A translation of a prayer for the long life of the Fourth King of Bhutan Jigme Singye Wangchuck (b. 1955) composed by the 70th Je Khenpo Jigme Choedra.
Iuchi Maho
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/1206.xml
Source: deb ther sngon po
Source: bka’ gdams chos ’byung gsal ba’i sgron me
Imported from Kmaps Places
Alcohol Culture in Bhutan
Karma Phuntsho
Alcohol in Religious Rituals
Sonam Chophel
Alo: Songs of Sorrow
Sonam Chophel, Karma Phuntsho
An overview of the eight types of Alo, secular songs of sorrow sung solo and generally alone.
Altruism: A Curated Guide
Kirat Randhawa
Amchok Monastery (a mchog dgon pa)
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/1269.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
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Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/1270.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
An Introduction to Drepung Monastery
Georges Dreyfus
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/77.xml
An Introduction to Drepung’s Colleges
Georges Dreyfus
An Introduction to Drigung Polity
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Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/90.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
An Introduction to Gyelrong
Gray Tuttle
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/1220.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
An Introduction to Huaré (dpa' ris, Pari)
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/86.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
An Introduction to Labrang Monastery
Paul Nietupski
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/79.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
An Introduction to Lhasa
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/15.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
David Germano
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/16.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
An Introduction to Ngawa Cultural Region
Gray Tuttle
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/1222.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
An Introduction to Pari
Gray Tuttle
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/1218.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
An Introduction to Repgong
Gray Tuttle
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/82.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
An Introduction to Sakya Polity
Kurtis Schaeffer
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/89.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
An Introduction to Sera’s Colleges
An Introduction to the Amdo Cultural Region
Gray Tuttle
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/1223.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
An Introduction to the Dhitsa Nangso
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/87.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
An Introduction to the Ganden Palace Polity
Kurtis Schaeffer
Taken from url: http://places.kmaps.virginia.edu/descriptions/75.xml
Imported from Kmaps Places
An Introduction to the Hermitages of Sera